Boubou en Paramus

Estados UnidosBoubou



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700, From Road, 07652, Paramus, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 201-261-2134
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.9568065, Longitude: -74.0696233

comentarios 5

  • R David Koby

    R David Koby


    This is your place if your looking for that special something to look your very best. Sweet sixteen, prom, and classy dresses for just about every dressy occasion.

  • ivette rodriguez

    ivette rodriguez


  • Daniella Serafino

    Daniella Serafino


    Very cute dresses!

  • en

    Jaclyn Parker


    Customer Service is terrible!! Bought a sweater and was told it was final sale which was fine. I wore it once for a few hours and when I got home, saw there was a big hole in the back. I went to the store to see if I could possibly exchange it or if there was anything they could do. The manager was extremely rude and told me there was nothing she could do, it was final sale. I said that I wore it once, for a few hours, and now I could not wear it again. She basically said too bad, it is what it is. Cheap clothing, will not be shopping here again.

  • Serena Roman

    Serena Roman


    I have been looking for a second dress for my sweet 16 for weeks now. every store I go to never has that picture perfect dress I have been looking for, but when I came to Paramus park mall.i immediately fell in love with multiple dresses. I tried on a total of 5 dresses till I found the one. the service was amazing and helped me and weren't pushy thank God but overall I loves my experience and can't wait for my sweet 16 party in this beautiful dress.

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