SEPHORA en Paramus

Estados UnidosSEPHORA



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1460, Paramus Park Mall, 07652, Paramus, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 201-261-2811
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.956232, Longitude: -74.068956

comentarios 5

  • Betty Jacob

    Betty Jacob


    I wanna mention the staff Gigi Is so kind she spend lot of time with me was patient enough to find the right concealer for me. Keep up re good work and your nature. Paramus park sephora is the best compared to garden state.

  • Chibiana Vilchez

    Chibiana Vilchez


    Absolutely love the makeup artists here!I've always get my makeup done here and the staff are very friendly. Big huge thanks to the makeup artist Jules, for doing such an amazing job with the makeup I invisioned come true!

  • Daria Derevianko

    Daria Derevianko


    I never felt more disrespected in my life! This sephora goes down. This was my favorite location until they changed the management here. When there is one toxic person on a team it is only a matter of time when the whole staff will be like that! I have been a rouge member for the past 3 years and spend more than an average rouge member should spend, no customer should ever feel mistreated like that

  • en

    mareme aidara


    This sephora store is the worst ,they don't help you ,and if you ask for a product they give you the wrong one .sephora have to look to there employees.

  • Anna M

    Anna M


    I was here the other day and the employees were super kind and helpful. They didn't have the foundation I wanted but were able to give me a nice sample size. I will definitely be coming back.

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