Body & Brain Yoga·Tai Chi Meditation w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneBody & Brain Yoga·Tai Chi Meditation



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830 6th Ave, 3rd Fl(29th st), New York, NY 10001, США
kontakt telefon: +1 212-691-7799
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.746396, Longitude: -73.98991

komentarze 5

  • Alexa Kira

    Alexa Kira


    Incredible! The classes are so effective, and I feel a real change in just a few sessions/weeks. Amazing instructor, everyone’s always kind, and you can tell they’re very focused on your health & well-being. Lovely place! Wonderful classes!

  • Aurora Garcia-Tunon

    Aurora Garcia-Tunon


    Highly recommend to register. Great teachers give individual attention to your progress. Start training! You will feel liked a new you!

  • en

    WillTheThrill S


    I've been practicing on and off for a year at Dahn Yoga. At first I had no idea what Dahn yoga was, I just saw yoga and wanted to try it out for flexibility. Once I got in I met these wonderful people and was touched by their personalities and care for me, something kept me wanting to go back it's like a fantasy world where you go to relax and be YOURSELF! The practice they teach is different in the sense that they perform blood circulation exercises before stretching and I believe that's vital for deeper stretches and they perform exercises for your internal organs which helped me digest better. I must say I feel like a completely different person since the day I started. I've become more social, passionate, stronger, aware, and at peace :)

  • Evi Zaimi

    Evi Zaimi


    I've been practicing Dahn yoga for almost three months now. Dahn yoga has really changed my life! The energy here is so powerful. The instructors are amazing. Every time that i come at the center, and take a class I leave with a happy feeling and supper charged, full of energy. I am more aware of my body and my breathing. It's really amazing how much a yoga center can do for you, and make you feel part of their family. I love this place! I would strongly recommend this place to anyone!

  • C Neubrand

    C Neubrand


    Dahn Yoga has changed my life. I used to carry a great deal of stress, anxiety and anger and through the practice of Dahn Yoga not only do I feel lighter, happier and more in control, but I'm also physically stronger and I have lost weight. I feel wonderful inside and out. This is the only practice I have found that really works the mind, body and soul fluidly. Master Kim and Master Amy also integrate a personal touch, taking time to get to know the members, build community and provide special trainings and workshops that will meet the needs of participants. I would highly recommend Dahn Yoga to anyone of any age looking for positive change in their lives.

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