Blue Point Auto Body i Blue Point

Forenede StaterBlue Point Auto Body



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67, Kennedy Avenue, 11715, Blue Point, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 631-363-5089
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.760283, Longitude: -73.037472

kommentar 5

  • Stephan Pichardo

    Stephan Pichardo


    Awesome, quick auto body repair. Very considerate, treats me like the boss every time I bring one of my vehicles (too often, tbh). Last time they even did some extra touch up work on the other side of the car on some scratches that I forgot about while the car was in for a bumper replacement. Top notch place.

  • John G

    John G


    Fixed my car in the promised amount of time. Got their number from a dealership. Owner is receptive to your needs. Would recommend them to my friends.

  • en

    Kirk Carbone


    They fixed my wife's new car from a Unfortunate accident .I was nervous of the paint matching perfectly and I did a great job and I came out Perfect .After that I brought my truck in to have the rot on the cab corners fixed .And that came out perfect Matching paint and perfect on the body lines .And they gave me a great price on fixing the rot on my truck . They've got any bodywork I ever need done because they're good professional and a great price .

  • en

    Abraham Linkon


    My car was taken to blue point auto body after I was in an accident. This was the first time I have ever been in a car accident, my car was not drivable, so inevitably I was having major anxiety regarding the whole experience. From the moment I walked into the shop I was treated like I was their only customer, considering this is a very busy auto shop this surprised me. The staff was caring and empathetic to what I was going thru and walked me thru the entire process start to finish. The adjuster (who offices right on site) was there to assess the damage, which allowed them to fast track my repair. At last, My car was ready 5 days earlier then their initial estimated date of delivery. My car was beautiful and looked brand new again and it drives like nothing ever happened! I was able to drop my rental off right on site which was great too! Overall I have nothing but great things to say about blue point auto body enter, the communication and helpfulness their staff offered was above and beyond anything I ever expected.

  • farzana bobby

    farzana bobby


    I had an accident and my car was front ended. because its a brand new car, I was worried about the repair and paint match. but blue point auto body did an amazing job of fixing my car. The staff was very professional and helpful. I was informed at every step of repair about the progress of my car. The paint job was amazing. and most all they stand by their commitment. I hope that I never get in this situation but if I do I know where to take my car.

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