Best Price Auto Repair Patchogue i Patchogue

Forenede StaterBest Price Auto Repair Patchogue



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451, West Main Street, 11772, Patchogue, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 631-307-9192
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Latitude: 40.7612681, Longitude: -73.0299686

kommentar 5

  • Chris Desio

    Chris Desio


    Toke my fircee Volkswagen Golf for a oil change and they are trying to get me to buy more repairs that are not needed on the car and when I went to pick the car up they don’t even know how to ring up the sale for the oil change never again I will ever go there again date if service 5-7-18 stay away from them

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    Jean Momplaisir


    Great service with great prices got my brakes done was really satisfied with the work highly recommended

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    Jason Tepper


    Best price my butt. I went in for an inspection and later on my car blew up. Worst place ever. Never take your car to this hell hole. They have no clue what they are doing and they are a rip off. If I can give no star I would.

  • Alexander Terzopoulos

    Alexander Terzopoulos


    My 2001 front wheel drive Oldsmobile Alero had the "Service Engine Soon" Light on for months. I kept seeing advertisements from Best Price Auto in Patchogue and I called for an appointment. When I arrived I was given immediate attention and a service man ran the scanner on my 17 year old car. I was given 2 error codes which were the O2 sensor and the Camshaft position sensor were worn out. That information would have cost me $60 if I brought it to the dealership or a major retailer which I have been going for more than a decade. I decided to have the sensors replaced as my car would not pass NYS inspection! They charged $75 an hour and give a fair price on the parts they sell. The other places charge between $100 to $120. Bottom line is to save your money because you can lease a vehicle for $500 month and have nothing left when your 36 month term ends.

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    Mishal Bibi


    highly recommended very good customer service and friendly staff reasonable prices on oil change

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