Badanes Law Office en Northport

Estados UnidosBadanes Law Office



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842, Fort Salonga Road, 11768, Northport, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 631-239-1702
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mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.899336, Longitude: -73.328869

comentarios 5

  • en

    paul aponte


    I hired David to represent me in my custody case that went to full trial. Initially, I needed to be represented because I was being falsely accused of abusing my newborn. It eventually turned into a custody battle that seemed to last forever!! Over a year and a half from start to final judgment. So I got to see more of David's work than many other's who end up settling. I also hired David to fight for my right to be with my Daughter and seek full custody. This was a very tall order considering 80% of these decisions go to the Mother, 12% to Men and 8% end in Joint custody. It required a precision defense to achieve this goal. Which is what he offered. From the start, I felt I was safe in making the right decision in hiring David. He was able to prove the abuse was false, and turn the case around to allow more time with my little one. My Ex went through two lawyers, both negative advocates, one even got sanctioned. David was calm, collective and smart with every move throughout my case. educating me along the way. He was aggressive when he needed to be. Not once did he lose his cool, even in our trial. It was obvious he had experience in this arena. In the end, I got Full Custody of my little one!!!! The best news to hear after a long battle. David is very accessible and easy to work with. He will work with you in terms of budget and most importantly, he's experienced. David achieved something very rare in getting me full custody. I'm forever thankful. You will be happy with his service regardless of the judgment. I learned so much during this ordeal through him. I realized if you want to win for whats best for your child, you cant leave it to your attorney to do all the work, it takes the client to help as well. There were times I had doubt. But that was just the brilliance of his strategy and my ignorance of the system. Thank you, David!!!! Two words can sum up my experience: Hire him!

  • en

    michael kearney


    David was very honest, always available, and guided me through a real difficult personal time. He was very understanding of the unique requests that were needed. David explained everything in a way that I could understand and be comfortable with.

  • Arun Konanur

    Arun Konanur


    David has advised me in legal matters for the past six years and I continue to value his insight and legal opinion. Every case is different, but I believe I presented him with a number of unique challenges. Throughout our dealings he has been responsive and available via either telephone or email. I would certainly recommend him,

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    Rich Placilla


    Outstanding professional. Very reasonable and friendly

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    John Romano


    I went to another lawyer for my divorce and was told it would take 6 months for it to be final. 3 years later, I decided enough was enough and went to David to take care of it. David told me the divorce was not filed properly the first time and that we would have to start over. We were told again it would be done in 6 months. His knowledge of the process gave us the comfort that this time it would be handled properly. After 6 months as promised my divorce was final without an issues. We are so pleased to have an attorney who delivered what he promised. David is very competent and I would recommend his highly to friends or family without hesitation. John R

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