Timothy J Dennin PC en Northport

Estados UnidosTimothy J Dennin PC



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316, Main Street, 11768, Northport, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 631-261-0250
sitio web: www.denninlaw.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.90081, Longitude: -73.3437189

comentarios 2

  • en

    LM P


    If you have the misfortune to need a lawyer who specializes in security litigation, there really is only one choice, Tim Dennin. My family and I were embroiled in a situation in which a broker we entrusted put us in the middle of a fraudulent investing scam that totally devastated our life. We hired Tim who worked tirelessly for over 3 years with very positive results. How I would describe Tim is: honest, hard working, extremely intelligent and relentless. He is a man of means and resolve. If anyone wants to discuss further please contact Mr. Dennin who can arrange a meeting.

  • en

    Dolly Patterson


    It is as good as it gets with Timothy J Dennin! This gentle"man" is ALL professional YET very personable. Neither my husband nor I ever thought our trusted broker would clean out our entire portfolio through theft and Ponzi schemes. Yet, it did happen in our mid-sixties, or the supposedly "Golden Years." Honesty is the name of Tim's game! No "I thinks" or "I'm pretty sures" are acceptable to this man while working on your case. He dresses impeccably and speaks eloquently at court and is RESPECTED by all.

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