AutoZone w Bergenfield

Stany ZjednoczoneAutoZone



🕗 godziny otwarcia

79, New Bridge Road, 07621, Bergenfield, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-387-0119
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.9145254, Longitude: -74.0012066

komentarze 5

  • en

    Jose Quinones


    Convienent location, but poor customer service, and inventory is pretty poor as well. They never carry oil filters when needed.

  • Omer Aksu

    Omer Aksu


    The worst shopping experience ever in my life. I called to get a price for front wheel bearing for my car, have been put on hold for 15 minutes and as soon as I get the price I said I will come there to pick up the product. As soon as I get the store there was someone in front of me, she took 20 minutes to give brake pads. And I knew what was coming.. After waiting for almost a half an hour she finally pulled up my item, and I purchased it.Later on, also found out eventhough she found right item and put the right one on reciept. I have given the "REAR" wheel bearing and had to return and changed at another store. What a waste of a day and wouldny be able to fix my car because of these things!!!!!!

  • en

    Jee Yoo


    An employee named Justice helped me out tremendously. Always courteous and respectful. Went out of his way to make a customer happy.

  • Billy Ranks

    Billy Ranks


    Their prices are not very competitive but they are great in an emergency especially when you need fluids or OEM parts for your vehicle.

  • en

    Brian Kuchmak


    Never seem to have what I want in stock. It's always let's order it and wait. Staff is friendly and helpful. Usually a decent experience other than the lack of auto parts at an auto parts store.

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