Mavis Discount Tire w Bergenfield

Stany ZjednoczoneMavis Discount Tire



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52, New Bridge Road, 07621, Bergenfield, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-510-3789
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.9135987, Longitude: -73.9997743

komentarze 5

  • en

    Henry Trino


    Not a good place to go for tire services. I bought my own tires on-line and called them to mount and balance the all four tires. I can't believe that when they turned over the car to me and my way home the TPMS when off and I reset them three times and send it back to them. I noticed that they did not install a new valve stem (which is an SOP) in all four new set of tires but all four old valve stem that sticking out of the tire rim. I ask them if you cannot produce a new valve stem, re-install my old one.

  • Philip Go

    Philip Go


    Jason was very helpful to explain to us that we needed the repairs.We felt at ease all the time.

  • cherie wollman

    cherie wollman


    Got 4 new tires for an awesome deal back in January on my Audi.. then I needed all new brakes and recently and they hooked it up again. Excellent service, super knowledable and professional staff. I won’t go anywhere else besides Bergenfield Mavis now!

  • en

    eric Johnson


    Service was OK, rather disorganised. Witnessed a customer come in to drop off vehicle as instructed to the day before, part must not have been delivered and she was not informed. She left upset. I left 9 one dollar bills in console as test. $5 were missing so I approached reps and was immediately reimbursed. Regional manager is not professional. Would not recommend to anyone!!! Anywhere else

  • en

    naveed rehmat


    Great experience. Very good customer service and gave me really good advice. They took their time with mounting all the tires and made certain all were correctly balanced without rushing even though it was after their closing time. Will definitely recommend

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