AutoZone w Medford

Stany ZjednoczoneAutoZone



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2690, New York 112, 11763, Medford, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-758-1427
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8216608, Longitude: -72.9986063

komentarze 5

  • en

    Melissa Stuhlmuller


    I could not be more unsatisfied and unhappy with my recent experience in this store. To start off I walk in and the smell of the store is so overwhelming I felt like I was in a gym locker room. I walked around the store look for a specific item that showed this location had it. So I wait on line since I saw no one on the sales floor to help me. It is finally my turn and I go up and ask the casiher Catherine if she has my item in stock and where to find it. Not only does she not help me at all she has the biggest attitude I have ever received. She even had the acidity to end the conversation with me stating I believe we are done here good bye. I have never experienced such attitude and rude behavior from a retail establishment. I believe she needs to be retrained or spoken to, you can not have this attitude working in a customer service business.

  • sven larsson

    sven larsson


    Being open on Easter Sunday was a plus because as the weather was beautiful this Sunday I needed to replace my battery in my 65 Chevy, it sitting all winter drained it. The counter help was fast and professional.

  • en

    Slick MAC


    Excellent customer service - always get help figuring out what I need. But I still think Family Automotive in Medford NY has better prices and more knowledgeable help.

  • en

    Amanda M


    GREAT STAFF!!!!!! Will never go to another auto zone location again. MEDFORD will be my new store. Thank you all for being so helpful and patient for a lady who knows nothing about cars except how to break them lol. Thanks again especially to Nicole!!!

  • en

    Doctor Steve


    Friendly staff, good service and a clean store. They're all so gracious enough to give me a 10% courtesy discount for my volunteer status. Would definitely recommend this location over the Selden location just because of the general atmosphere.

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