Audio Workstations i Islandia

Forenede StaterAudio Workstations



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100-4, Patco Court, 11749, Islandia, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-448-2066
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.7974084, Longitude: -73.1754473

kommentar 5

  • Michael Thomas

    Michael Thomas


    Excellent Quality, Great Staff and A1 Sound !!

  • Melinda Steinert

    Melinda Steinert


    Nice-spot! Everything u need! Very clean. Only sometimes u hear the other artist. Overall good!

  • en

    steve stacks


    Best Studio Ever. A must for modern day recording

  • Ray onthetrack

    Ray onthetrack


    Owner's Matt & JJ have really blessed Suffolk County with such a reliable, efficient and effective recording studio. Their facility seamlessly integrates analog gear with digital gear, or visa versa for that fact. This place is saturated in research and development, and what I mean is these guys have invested their time and money in all the right places. From the whisper rooms, to the UAD preamps with SHARC processing, and using Protools HD. As a studio owner and long time engineer I have never worked in a studio that gave me such a smooth & comfortable initial experience. They have a great scheduling system capable of handling time sensitive needs that coincides competitive membership packages which are by far the most cost effective for students and seasoned engineers. Every time I book with AW their libraries grow in quality, as a business owner I always appreciate when money is invested back into the business. You know these guys want to keep offering you a good product, not running off to Mexico leaving behind a closed shop while you booked time. As a personal favorite, I just cannot get enough of recording with live plugins. That is a huge game changer for my work! Thank you fellas for making this happen, Looking forward to the next time I will be in there!

  • Ryan D'Amico

    Ryan D'Amico


    Audio Workstations Inc. is the future of modern recording studios for anyone looking to take their productions and career to a professional level!

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