Anita Discount Tire & Auto Tire Pros w River Vale

Stany ZjednoczoneAnita Discount Tire & Auto Tire Pros



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678, Westwood Avenue, 07675, River Vale, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-664-2882
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.995223, Longitude: -74.005323

komentarze 5

  • en

    Jason Beshara


    Working with Rob and his team at Anita Tire was a pleasure. He was really patient with me and answered all of my questions. Tried his best to work on the price and did an awesome job! I can’t believe how different my F-150 looks after they put on the new wheels/tires. Thanks again for a great experience.

  • en

    Jeff Choi


    I think they have to change company name to “Best Auto Repair”. Knowledgeable, on-time, most of all really honest price. I been serviced this shop more than 10 years, never had a problem, and saved a lot of money. At Anita, Nobody will have bad experience. Definately recommend, “Anita Auto Repair & Discount Tire”, Always great!!!!

  • en

    Peter Park


    John from Anita Tires takes care of his customers from start to finish and is very dedicated to customer satisfaction. I went there to get my tire with a bubble replaced, and he was not pushy at all to sell other products/services. There was some miscommunication between us, but he quickly did everything he could to make things right. Talk to John K and he will take care of you from start to finish!

  • Karim Bousleiman

    Karim Bousleiman


    Great place to take your car/truck to. We service our 4 cars there and the service is always awesome! Very fast service and very affordable prices. They always give honest quotes and recommendations and would definitely recommend them to anyone wanting to replace/fix their tires or do regular maintenance. Great job!!

  • en

    Pamela Mazanec


    I very badly needed four brand new tires and from the initial phone call to make the appointment, to dropping my car off, and picking it up and paying, I was so pleased. John was so kind and helpful. He clearly explained my options, what they would do, and did, to my car, the pricing, etc. I even got a call after I dropped my car off that they noticed I was due for an oil change and could do it while I waited. I never felt pressured or that I was being taken advantage of. My tires and alignment were done timely, they even finished earlier than I expected I’m so happy I found this place, I wouldn’t hesitate to bring my car back again next time.

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