ETD Discount Tire Centers w Westwood

Stany ZjednoczoneETD Discount Tire Centers



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22, Kinderkamack Road, 07675, Westwood, Bergen County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 201-781-4000
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.9833589, Longitude: -74.0249552

komentarze 5

  • en

    Jeffrey Nacca


    Great service here and friendly and great people and love bringing my car here and working with Adam to get my car back on the road in a Timely Maner. They don’t up sell u on anything u don’t need witch is a plus. Better then going to any other shop highly recommend to anyone and they have the cheapest tires around

  • Andres D'Silva

    Andres D'Silva


    I had great experience here. Special thanks to Frank Portera! from the moment I walked in Frank was super friendly and very knowledgable took the time to explain the differences between tires and pricing, aside from the fast friendly service Frank and crew checked over my car and found various problems witch I thought had been taken care of by a different person, but was not .Frank and crew cleaned the whole undercarriage of my car as it was covered in oil from the previous person, so that he could better determine where my leaks were coming from, upon doing so it was discovered my main rear seal might be leaking, he honestly told me that type of work was for an engine shop , he recommended the performance shop he takes his suby to, also called the owner an got an appointment the next day. I will continue to bring my car ETD. thank you Frank, Adam, Jesus and the whole crew for working on my car and being honest.

  • Tuhin Sinha

    Tuhin Sinha


    If there’s one thing that may convince you to go to this place, it’s the impeccable customer service and courtesy of Adam. Purchased a full set of tires for my Lexus. Got a great price and service. The waiting lounge is great with a flat screen tv and nice WiFi. I was in and out in less than an hour. No sales gimmicks or scare tactics that you’ll see (and detest) elsewhere. Highly recommended.

  • Vincent Jaramillo

    Vincent Jaramillo


    So far for my first time the place is nice. The gent at the front desk was friendly and helpful. Seemed like a straight shooter too. I feel like a got a pretty fair deal on buying 2 new tires. They're waiting room is super nice with cozy chairs, USB chargers, a large flat screen TV and of course free Wifi. I'll update once I come back for the next 2 tires that need to be changed.

  • en

    Eileen Loughlin


    My husband brought my daughter's car in for new tires. After doing some shopping around we found ETD in Westwood to have the best price. Customer service was great. Adam is the best. Highly recommend!

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