Andy & Terry Automotive Specialists w Valley Stream

Stany ZjednoczoneAndy & Terry Automotive Specialists



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176, North Central Avenue, 11580, Valley Stream, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-561-1625
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.672311, Longitude: -73.709349

komentarze 5

  • en

    Asif K. Ahmed


    I brought my Audi SQ5 in for a good amount of APR performance mods; Vince and his team are absolute professionals that kept me informed at every stage of the project. Not only was the communication excellent but the work performed was outstanding. I have a smile on my face from ear to ear every time I drive the car :) I will absolutely be back for any other modifications that I want done to the car - I wish I knew of them years ago as i would’ve brought all of my past German rocket sleds to Vince and his team. Honesty, professionalism and workmanship are hard things to find all in one shop and Vince’s shop represents all of the above.

  • en



    I have been coming here for years. I take all my cars here for service and modifications. They are great people and do amazing work. It's hard to find a nice auto shop with honest people that are friendly and willing to work with you. I have been to shops all over Nassau County even the city area and NJ. I still keep coming back to Andy and Terry. I don't trust many mechanics with my cars because most of the time they will take it for a joy ride around the block or bring it home etc, but after being a loyal customer for many years I trust them and know that they're honest people. I have a C63AMG and a 335xi they've been doing the services on both my cars for years. When I decided to modify my C63 with full exhaust and tune I had them installed here. Ran into some complications with the exhaust because the system was a bit complicated and there were no instructions for the wiring and valves, but they did their job and figured it out. They did an amazing job! I recommend all my friends and family to go there. A lot of my friends go to them as well with their cars. Give them a chance and I promise you won't regret it!

  • en

    Ryan Santos


    I love these guys! I get my bike inspected here every year no hassle and very professional they are the benchmark on how a business should be run!




    Vince and his team is an absolute GOD SEND! They're professional, efficient and they absolutely know what they're doing! As a young lady, purchasing my first car, I was nervous about finding an honest and integral mechanic that I can depend on and wouldn't take advantage of me. Andy and Terry Automotives is everything I imagined and more! I love you guys!

  • Dillan Young

    Dillan Young


    Great service.....I highly recommend them, Vince is amazing, and they do not price gouge you...brought my 1991 mercedes benz in, expecting to pay an arm and a leg..Vince was very efficient, had my car ready in a few hours...amazing quality work, at a fair price....

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