Alamo Rent A Car w Washington

Stany ZjednoczoneAlamo Rent A Car



🕗 godziny otwarcia

970, D Street Southwest, 20024, Washington, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 800-992-9823
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 38.8845373, Longitude: -77.0253916

komentarze 5

  • en

    Annia Ramos


    Corporate customer help was unhelpful and terribly rude yet the employees at this location stayed past their shift to make sure our problem was solved. Great service. Great hospitality! Love this branch!

  • en



    Attendant lied about the car having a full tank, after he went out to check (had 3/4 tank). Same attendant didn’t care when I called him on it the following day (3 Jan 18).

  • en

    Ricardo Perez


    Poor service, don’t even have a direct phone # to call, they closed shop early and made me miss my reservation. Went with dollar instead, better service.

  • Daniel Pango

    Daniel Pango


    Great staff. Good customer service . Great pricing for a nice car

  • en

    Alexandra Francois


    I have been going there a lot over the past month because of car troubles. It's right behind L'Enfant Plaza on D st. SW. You can't miss it. The place is always understaffed in my opinion for the amount of customers that come there on the daily basis. The first time I went, it was 11 AM on a Friday there were 2 people working which was not bad and there were 2 people in front of me and it took 30 minutes in line before I was called. When I came to return the car, on a Sunday, around 10 AM there was only 1 person working and they were about 5 people in line. It took me about 45 minutes that time to return the car and finalize everything. One person got very frustrated and just left the key on the counter and left. I could tell that the gentleman that was working there was overwhelmed but he was doing the best he could. He apologized for the wait and gave me a 30% discount on my rental, which was greatly appreciated. The other few times that I have been there, there was always one person working for both Alamo and National. The wait the other times were not as bad, I think it really depends what time of day you go. They accept debit cards at that location but you have to give an additional $200 deposit, and you have to prove that you're a resident of the DMV area, they check the address provided in a system that they have and if it's clear then you are good to go. If it's not, then you have to provide a bill with your address on it. The credit card charge is $100 instead of $200. That amount is on top of your rental price, so if the car is $185 for the week then they will charge you $385 at the time of pick if you use a debit card and upon the return of the vehicle the $200 gets refunded back to the card. I'm content with the location, it's close enough to my house and I haven't had any issues with them besides the wait time. Cars are new and always clean and they always ask you if you are okay with the car, if you are not they will find something that you are happy with.

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