2bar Spirits w Seattle

Stany Zjednoczone2bar Spirits



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2960, 4th Avenue South, 98134, Seattle, King County, US Stany Zjednoczone
kontakt telefon: +1 206-402-4340
strona internetowej: 2barspirits.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 47.5765034, Longitude: -122.328441

komentarze 5

  • en

    Steven White


    Great people, great locally produced spirits.

  • John Farver

    John Farver


    Really enjoyed our server/rep. She knew her business and make the experience fun

  • Kaela Passarelli

    Kaela Passarelli


    We scheduled a tour and the email didn't go through the way it should've but Maddie got back to me very quickly after our tour and offered to let us join a larger specialty tour and waive our groupon. She was very knowledgeable about the multitude of questions we had and the owner happened to be in who was also very friendly. A very pleasant experience and their liquor is very distinct and good (3 tastings included with the groupon tour). Highly recommend.

  • en

    elaine kvitek


    Nice little distillery with an excellent bourbon. The staff is very knowledgeable and we enjoyed the tour and tasting

  • Ashley Bumatay

    Ashley Bumatay


    Pretty cool small local distillery. Staff is very knowledgeable. They make whiskey, moonshine, and vodka. I was informed that they are either going to stop producing vodka or do only limited batches to focus on their other products. You can taste their liquor there but the pours have to be small because of their liquor license. They were willing to do multiple pours though.

najbliższy Bar

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