24 Hour Fitness w Saddle Brook

Stany Zjednoczone24 Hour Fitness



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Poniedziałekotwarte 24 godziny
Wtorekotwarte 24 godziny
Środaotwarte 24 godziny
Czwartekotwarte 24 godziny
Piątekotwarte 24 godziny
Sobotaotwarte 24 godziny
Niedzielaotwarte 24 godziny
189, U.S. 46, 07663, Saddle Brook, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-843-5666
strona internetowej: www.24hourfitness.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.890645, Longitude: -74.096029

komentarze 5

  • en

    Aleksandar Kostoski


    Where to begin..... I’ve been a member here for about 15yrs even back when it was called Ballys. So now 24hr fitness took over and hasn’t been any major changes. Most of the machines are old and since they took over they only changed about6-7 new ones. Pool area is not as clean as it should be. Member are not the greatest just because most they use a machine and they just leave without wiping after them. Also that Gym doesn’t provide towels as other 24hr fitness locations do. Almost nobody puts the weight back to where they got them. And I left the best for last...men’s locker room is a filthy, dirty, smelly place. What I’ve notice when I go in there is ppl go under the blower all sweaty and they stink up the whole place up. Every time I go in to wash my hands I have to take a deep breath and get out as quick as possible before I faint. And the floors are always flooded, I just don’t know how management don’t see these issues and improve them. I go there for the convenience:) I’ll try to post some pictures when I get a chance.

  • en

    Robert Shaw


    Disgusting and unsanitary. No towels, scarce paper towels, no one wipes down equipment. Dumbbells all over the place. The place looks like it hasnt been renovated since the 80s. Dimly lit and depressing.

  • en

    Maria Jerez


    I just recently joined this gym and the management is terrible. I encountered the general manager and she had no interest in helping me with the problem I had. She’s rude and has no common sense. Probably won’t be a member for too long. The location is just convenient.

  • Christine Ramirez

    Christine Ramirez


    Never had a protein shake before until an employee named Kathy encouraged me to try it. And might I add she makes the most amazing chocolate Frosty. Thank you Kathy for making my workout worth it. She is honestly an amazing employee to have to the company.

  • Bryan Morquecho

    Bryan Morquecho


    Bad excuse for a 24 hr fitness gym. No towels. Toilet paper seems to runout a lot and they don’t seem to have more on stock. Equipment seems like it’s from the 80’s. The sinks in the bathroom are those old school ones that you push the hot/cold nozzle down and it releases water for 5 seconds, then you have to press down the nozzle again. Some of the nozzles only work if you hold them down. This gym is in some serious need of renovation. I try not to come here unless I absolutely have to.

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