Blink Lodi w Lodi

Stany ZjednoczoneBlink Lodi



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4, Memorial Drive, 07644, Lodi, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 973-855-3250
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8757426, Longitude: -74.0857321

komentarze 5

  • en

    Ramia Xepeda


    The worst experience I sign up for the free contract membership and now I need to pay a fee of $130 to get my membership cancel. You need to paid maintenance fee and the one extra month subscription even though you would never go back. People don’t fall for the fouls promotion off contract free because is not.

  • John Matthews

    John Matthews


    Front desk staff members are great. Very friendly and helpful. The personal trainers are HORRIBLE! All the trainers train each client the exact same no matter if it's a 20 year old male or 60 year old female. They give them 2 extremely difficult exercises then take 15 minutes to explain how to do them then session is over. Wasting peoples money. I'm currently watching not 1 but 2 trainers trying to "teach" 1 female how to do a squat. It's been about 45 minutes now. Not to mention she got it right after 5 minutes into them "teaching" her. These guys need to be ran through a class on how to apply their knowledge into their sessions and how to use verbal queues OR get a new training staff. Way too much talking from the trainer and not enough exercising for the client. Everything else is great!!!

  • Zoe Federman

    Zoe Federman


    Best Blink Fitness in the area, and far less expensive than nearby gyms. Gets busy at peak times, but even then wait times for popular equipment aren't bad. I don't do cardio or classes so can't speak to that. There are fancier gyms out there, but this is good enough and a good value for the area (I pay $10/mo).

  • en

    Carolina Cretes


    I've been a member here for the last six months and love this place. Each and every single staff member is polite. If you have a question about equipment, they will help you get an answer. The most impressive part of this club to me is the work they do in keeping the place clean. Even when it's busy, it's clean. Bravo to all of the staff, bravo!

  • en

    Nolan Miller


    Not nearly enough weights for the amount of members they have. Desperately need to expand. The only place to bench is in the 2 squat racks that they have which are always taken. Dumbbells only go up to 90 lbs. They have a ton of cardio equipment though, maybe too much. The gym is kept very clean and the staff is nice. Only reason I chose this gym is because it doesn't have a commitment and it's $20/month. If I knew I was going to be in the area for more than a year, I 100% would've gone with a different gym. EDIT: I joined this gym about a year ago and they recently added more equipment so I feel the need to update my rating. They added 2 more dual pulley machines and 2 benches. They were great additions but they still need at least 2 more power racks and a leg press. My leg days are lacking because there are only 2 squat racks and 1 leg press. 9 times out of 10 I have to wait to use a squat rack. That said, this is one of the cleanest gyms that I've ever been to and the staff is really nice. But if you're a serious weight-lifter that wants to make serious gains, I would suggest a different gym.

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