Yoga Oasis en Woodbury

Estados UnidosYoga Oasis



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100, Woodbury Road, 11797, Woodbury, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 516-367-8500
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.8290936, Longitude: -73.4591879

comentarios 5

  • en

    Elizabeth Marino


  • Matthew Roberts

    Matthew Roberts


  • en

    Arvind Chabra


    I love it here, owner is spiritual and authentic

  • en

    gary rettig


    I have been coming to Yoga Oasis for about 3 years and I have been to almost every hot yoga studio on Long Island. This place is the real deal!! My practice has grown in leaps and bounds . Mary and James (the owners) are completely dedicated to not only teaching their students all that they are capable of but they enrich their own practice on a daily basis . They bring back their knowledge to the studio in both a physical and spiritual way. All the teachers at Yoga Oasis are wonderful and each one has a style of their own. The room is hot but the heat is not overpowering and there is fresh air circulating throughout. The members who practice here are supportive and friendly as well. They have classes as early as 5:30 am and as late as 8:00 pm. Look at their website for schedule and they also give workshops to enhance your practice. Whether you are a newcomer or just want to further your practice you should give Yoga Oasis a try .

  • Alexa Douglas

    Alexa Douglas


    Excellent yoga!!!!! Helpful and challenging, love this place :)

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