Wig Design By Flora en Teaneck

Estados UnidosWig Design By Flora



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437, Cedar Lane, 07666, Teaneck, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 201-833-4060
sitio web: designbyflora.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.889094, Longitude: -74.021219

comentarios 5




    Awesome quality and great selection. Made my daughters graduation pics look amazing. Thanks to the staff for their patience with teens. One star off for pricing BUT hey you only graduate HS once.

  • Stella Kandyba

    Stella Kandyba


    Flora is the most adorable professional i've ever met! The services are convenient and the quality is unbeatable. Highly recommend!

  • en

    C T


    I went to Flora at the beginning of my hair loss because I read it has the best hair with great customer service. I did not have this experience. I was shown one piece and Flora spent about 15 minutes with me. I was sold a very expensive piece that does not work for me at all. The hair quality is not what it should be for the price. The hair gets caught in the clips and the ends were all layered and frayed so it was considered a "long piece" when only the very tip is long. I have not been able to wear it at all. I called 24 hours after I purchased it and was told I would not be able to return it. I have been trying to sell it since. Please do your homework. It is difficult to lose hair and you can be taken advantage when your are desperate.

  • Love by Tish

    Love by Tish


    I walked in and I was Racially profiled by one of the workers .she just looked at me and told me “did I know that the wigs start at $2000”..unbelievable.. I had to take a deep breath and leave.. what a shame they lost $2000 I would of paid anything to fix my hair problem but I couldn’t believe it,I hope they don’t mistreat anyone else that way

  • Elena Peshansky

    Elena Peshansky


    Both Flora and David are nice and understanding. They have a large selection or real European hair. (Considered the best one). I came home with a wig the first day. It was a releaf because I visited 2 other places before and they had nothing in my color for me to try because they had limited inventory. Prices were very good compared to other places. I wanted a real hair because I might need a wig for a few years. I did not feel rushed or pressed to buy anything. Flora showed me all the wigs that she thought would look good on me and we both found the one. Looking at the pictures, nobody can tell that it is a wig. She even matched my old haircut. If you are only going through 4-6 months chemo treatment, synthetic would work for you. I had synthetic before and it lasts only 6 months. Real hair is so much better. As long as you have an idea how much real hair wigs cost, you would not be disappointed. Thank you Flora & David!

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