Mr. Freshcut #FreshcutTeaneck en Teaneck

Estados UnidosMr. Freshcut #FreshcutTeaneck



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394, Cedar Lane, 07666, Teaneck, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 551-900-1022
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Latitude: 40.888419, Longitude: -74.02043

comentarios 5

  • en

    Keely Borden


    This barbershop is great. The reviews speak for themselves, Very professional. I travel and seldom is it possible to find a good barber on the road but I am happy I stopped here. Rick took care of me today and I’m extremely happy with the cut. TJ has got something good going on here

  • Rob Ditt

    Rob Ditt


    Need a haircut. Go online and book with Mr. Freshcut. TJ has been cutting my hair for 15 years for a reason. He is a true barber. He also has exclusive rights to cut my hair if i pass away. Also, make sure to ask about getting a hot towel shave. You can thank me later. There is a reason why this place is 5 stars on every website.

  • en

    Raj Rana


    Best barbershop hands down, great environment and atmosphere. I got my first girlfriend after a haircut with TJ, bless him.

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    Mark Kendall


    One of the BEST barber shops attended in NJ. Outstanding customer services and the BEST Female Barber in town. I left the Barber Shop feeling like Mr. Fresh. I cannot wait for next cut. I fully recommend.

  • Yong H. Kwon

    Yong H. Kwon


    Mr. Freshcut is simply the barber shop I was looking for. Great vibe, Clean barber, Artistic design. I've found my barber shop now and trust me, I've recommended this shop to every person I saw after I've had my first experience. I'm a big critic and I know the difference of good and bad. This barber shop is great. Phenomenal barbers. TJ & Ivana. Excellent haircuts. (They take time with their guest, not just on conversations, but on the precision of the haircut). Truly satisfied with my crew cut I had requested to TJ. Nice and calm area. It's not the "you're hometown barbershop" but rather "everybody is welcome barbershop". Marvelous customer service and once again, I am satisfied with every single thing from my first experience. Will come again in the next month or two. Thanks again !

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