Westy Self Storage w Hackensack

Stany ZjednoczoneWesty Self Storage



🕗 godziny otwarcia

65, Commerce Way, 07601, Hackensack, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-678-1300
strona internetowej: www.westy.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.9108049, Longitude: -74.0302529

komentarze 5

  • en

    William Brinkman


    Very clean place. Super friendly staff.

  • Karl Finegan

    Karl Finegan


    Probably the best storage I’ve ever used. The cleanest, easiest and most friendly staff. Incredibly professional and courteous.

  • en

    Justin Derevyanik


    Top Notch incredibly beautiful clean storage place not only are there many places for you to store your items in different size units they also are very concerned about the kidding me and you've any community events to help. Would definitely give them a try they are conveniently located right off Hackensack Avenue and a huge facility great parking and very secure

  • Catherine Gibney

    Catherine Gibney


    This was the only good part of our moving experience. The staff went above and beyond to help with everything we needed. We had a bad experience with the moving company and were delayed with our belongings being removed from our house. The staff at Westy stayed late to be sure we got all of our stuff into our unit before the end of the day. We had 2 storage units for 7 months and they were so helpful. They even helped out with recommending a moving company to get everything out of our unit and into our new house and the experience was SOOOO much better than our 1st experience. I would HIGHLY recommend this facility!

  • Danielle V Rivoir

    Danielle V Rivoir


    The facility as the people working there is amazing. One of the gentlemen there offered to stay past his shift twice to help a client. Impeccable facility, exceptional staff! I Highly recommend.

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