Home Moving Solutions w Paramus

Stany ZjednoczoneHome Moving Solutions



🕗 godziny otwarcia

299, Forest Avenue, 07652, Paramus, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-345-4663
strona internetowej: www.homemovingsolutions.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.936479, Longitude: -74.051713

komentarze 5

  • en

    Deborah Jaconetta


    Awesome moving company. Very professional and great pricing. I highly recommend this company. Vera is so helpful and Austen gets the job done!

  • Rio Camille

    Rio Camille


    • Responsive, Reliable, invested, personable • Worked with me until 9pm at night to provide the proper insurance coverage for the office building moving out and into • Three phases of the move all handling efficiently and intelligently • Do not waste time and milk you for money • Building tech was very impressed with them • Direct access to the foreman • Professional, respectful • Completed all tasks asked

  • en

    Dana Pierce


    Using Home Moving Solutions was the best thing we could have ever done. Joe and Vera were great on the phone, very professional, reasonably priced and provided us with piece of mind that we would be in great hands with the team assigned to move us. Boy! were they right, Danny and his team were great!, they came in, took over and handled our stuff with care. I've never seen people work that fast. I would highly recommend Home Moving Solutions for your moving needs

  • en

    Matt Warford


    I have moved quite a few times and have never had a better experience. Vera is great, everything happened exactly the way she said it would, no surprises and the movers were great! Everyone was extremely professional! Would and will totally recommend them to everyone. Thanks for making it such a great and stress free move!

  • en

    Jessica D


    Very organized and professional. I love how that when they give you a quote, it is for the maximum price. I heard of other companies giving prices out then charging fees the day of for moving blankets/steps/etc. Vera was amazing to work with. She helped organize everything through email and made sure that the move went perfect. I also love how fast she answers any questions I have!

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