Wendy's en Mesa

Estados UnidosWendy's



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1205, N Country Club Rd, 85201, Mesa, Maricopa County, US United States
contactos teléfono: +1 480-964-0861
sitio web: www.wendys.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.4355783, Longitude: -111.8395428

comentarios 5

  • en

    Phil Dornan


    Wendy's! What can you say bad about Wendy's? Great burgers, fair prices and friendly service.

  • Van Berry

    Van Berry


    Very nice young customer service greeter. They were hammered though in the drive through and there was a bit of a back up. The food was good and service very good.

  • Tony C

    Tony C


    Typical Wendy’s. Employees are nice but pretty much everyone smokes cigarettes there so the food even slightly tastes like cigs. It’s pretty disgusting actually.

  • en

    Jim Herrmann


    Took over 5 minutes to get waited on. Cashier was rude. Manager was there and didn't get the customers waited on. Two people behind me left. Last time two timesI was here I walked out. Will not come back again. Had chili and was not offered cheese and onions to go with it. Got charged for a drink and fries that came with the meal and wrong size chili. Will not be back and not recommend this place to anyone.

  • en

    Britney Romero


    Delicious food:) it's been a long time since I've had Wendy's. The only problem I didn't like was the rude person taking my order (Jackson). Very rude when taking my order even when I asked about something on the menu. I don't think he should be taking orders if he's gunna be rude to his customers.

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