Carl's Jr. en Mesa

Estados UnidosCarl's Jr.



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2002, North Country Club Drive, 85201, Mesa, Maricopa County, US United States
contactos teléfono: +1 480-834-3381
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.4518525, Longitude: -111.8402302

comentarios 5

  • Northern Orchestra

    Northern Orchestra


    Good value all the time nice people big place

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    Drew Rosholm


    No more sliders. Great munchie food. But love Carl's

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    stewart green


    Ordered a Oreo shake at the drive through. After receiving it and driving away I started to drink it. Tasted like a Oreo drink with milk! No thickness at all! Couldn't even taste the ice cream! Very disappointed. Their phone number doesn't even work. Rings once and then it hangs up on me. Tried 3 times....

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    Dashlye Ownby


    It was alright. They forgot the avocado and I'm not sure what the Cali classic has but it seemed small and we were expecting avocado not thousand islands. We frequent though so its usually a pretty good experience. Maybe its just the difference between the night and day shift.

  • Bree Anna

    Bree Anna


    Got food poisoning, thanks to this place... Two of us who got food here got sick last night. I thought I would end up in the hospital, but damn... never coming here again. I don't ever want to suffer such agony again! 9 months pregnant and I was worrying about my baby the whole time. Ugh!

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