Washington DC Metropolitan Police Department - Third District i Washington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterWashington DC Metropolitan Police Department - Third District


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1620, V Street Northwest, 20009, Washington, US Estados Unidos
kontakter telefon: +1 202-673-6815
internet side: mpdc.dc.gov
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 38.91791, Longitude: -77.0379857

kommentar 5

  • en

    Toro Rupp


    Mayor Bowser should be incredibly impressed by this precinct’s Professionalism, teamwork, and commitment to serving the community.

  • Eliezer Orellana

    Eliezer Orellana


    Very bad service. I visited this office yesterday to ask for information and a woman shouted loudly at me.They were supposed to be nice and help but yesterday they yelled at me and very ugly. For a moment I thought it was racism but better I just said thank you and asked someone else for help. I just ask you to be nicer and help customers. Thanks.

  • en

    Freya Grand


    Officers responded to our call about a man curled up on our front porch and possibly unconscious. The lead officer handled the situation with tact and respect, ascertaining what was going on before he did anything dramatic. We were very impressed with the care and professionalism that the officers brought to the situation.

  • en

    Scott Cofer


    A very professional organization and good people. Glenn county in California law enforcement supports school shootings.Not good people people. Scott cofer

  • Dr. Leonidas Villagran

    Dr. Leonidas Villagran


    Lo máximo en atención !

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