Metropolitan Police Department - Headquarters i Washington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterMetropolitan Police Department - Headquarters



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300, Indiana Avenue Northwest, 20001, Washington, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 202-727-9099
internet side:
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Latitude: 38.8941731, Longitude: -77.0165485

kommentar 5

  • en

    Scott Cofer


    A very professional organization and good people. Glenn county California law enforcement supports school shootings. Not good people Scott cofer

  • en

    Jay Co


    Ha ha. Loosers! Even your hate for liberty can't beat the 2nd Amendment. Only COWARDS and TYRANTS fear armed citizens.

  • en



    THANK YOU - I could not have asked for better help than these police officers. I live in Oklahoma & our daughter (alone) was on vacation in DC. All of a sudden we lost total contact with her. All my efforts resulted in ZERO. It had been 24 hours & I still could not reach her. I contacted these fine men & women & from other precincts & they actually went to the apt she rented for the week & she was able to call us. Her phone was stolen & she was trying to contact us but - for some reason other methods failed. THANK YOU - THANK YOU = good report on parents worst nightmare - that something has happened to someone in their family.

  • en

    Sarang Umarji


    The LGBT community will remain marginalized and disproportionately targeted and left unprotected. Their investigation and prosecution of these crimes is so not prioritized and they consistently claim that "they're not sure" if the deaths of black trans woman is a hate crime. Yet they are real quick to point out hate crimes towards cops.

  • Malisa Nagesar

    Malisa Nagesar


    Im doing a project for my criminal Justice class and i had to call to find out if this branch was closed because on the map showed that it was closed ( which it wasn't ), the woman who answered the phone was so polite and helpful i even got some help on one of my questions for my report. THANK YOU!! DOES ANYONE KNOW WHERE I CAN GET MORE INFO ON THIS DEPARTMENT OR HOW I CAN ASK QUESTION ABOUT IT??

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