Venecia Furniture i New York

Forenede StaterVenecia Furniture



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1164, Liberty Avenue, 11208, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 347-405-7300
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Latitude: 40.678559, Longitude: -73.866354

kommentar 5

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    Jose Shaia


    2 years ago I was looking for a specific bedroom set and they gave me the best price out of any other furniture store! It was delivered 2 days later in perfect condition. The guys there are so nice! I bought all my furniture from them ever since!!!

  • JADS



    Great Prices! Great Customer Service from Sam and the Staff! I got my complete bedroom set and my daughter's there for 50% less than ONE similar set at Raymoor and Flanagan! It would be great if the company had an ecommerce site and email address.

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    Angel Cosme


    Im buying from these guys every year tax time for the past 4 years and their furniture lasts!!! Not like bobs furniture that breaks in 6 month. 5 stars!

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    Johnny Pinelli


    Great store! I bought a bedroom set from this store and I looked in 3 other stores and they gave me the best price and did same day delivery. Thanks Joey!

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    Shanna Riley


    Myself and 2 other persons (found out of them today though conversation )got a bad deal on items. What they do is let you pay high for stuff then argue changing it to cheaper products. Do not buy from this place. They ask to see receipt then torn out the name. All items photo should be taken with brand etc. DO NOT BUY OR RECOMMEND TO ANYONE. Very bad con men. We 3 are thinking of filing a lawsuit. All wrong items given and refuse to take back. Read there fine print to their favor. Sorry o could not put 0 stars

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