US Post Office i Washington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterUS Post Office



🕗 åbningstider

2121, Ward Place Northwest, 20037, Washington, US USA
kontakter telefon: +1 202-523-2109
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 38.9063987, Longitude: -77.0476262

kommentar 5

  • Lee Costic

    Lee Costic


    Not an actual Post Office, delivery services only

  • Rana Mallah

    Rana Mallah


    Reggie Jordan thank you for picking up my packages. You are awesome with a great attitude

  • en

    Fatuma Atik


    My experience with this Washington, D.C. postal service was very unpleasant. The staff was unhelpful, rude, and unprofessional. They didn't answer my questions in the right tone or manner. They just seemed like they wanted to get me off the phone. Everyone I spoke to told me something different I didn't know who to believe. Yesterday, I spoke with someone and they just hung up on me blatantly before I can ask them to track my package. I tried calling Back and no one answered my phone call. What does a person have to do to get good service?? They just are full of attitude and anger and I will never forget my experience here. They kept telling me that my package was delivered and the recipient said it was never sent. They kept on insisting that it was delivered they never took the time to confirm or verify or find out additional information for me. I just found out my package was delivered way later than expected than what I was told I lie. Wth the tracking number. They need to update the information on the tracking that way customers can feel relieved and know the status of their packages. If it was undeliverable, state on the website that it is undeliverable. If it says delivered, confirm that it actually is delivered. I felt like they just kept lying to me and making me feel worried and stressed. Worst custom service I've ever seen in my life.

  • en

    Laura Friend Smythe


    I walked all the way here to find it's for pick ups only.

  • Anjum Sharma

    Anjum Sharma


    There are two blue letter drop off boxes here on the north side of the street.

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