United States Postal Service i Washington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterUnited States Postal Service



🕗 åbningstider

800, K Street Northwest, 20001, Washington, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 800-275-8777
internet side: tools.usps.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 38.9018528, Longitude: -77.0226968

kommentar 5

  • en

    Melissa Posey


    pack your patience and your time. 3rd visit all three times have been the same extremely rude employee working...After listening to how she talked to the customer in front of me I won't be back.

  • Sam Moses

    Sam Moses


    Tricky to find, but excellent service from Ms. Jackson. I was directed to the basement of the Renaissance Hotel by an employee.

  • Will Rogers

    Will Rogers


    It is a pain to get to due to the fact that the building it self is under construction all the main entrances are blocked off. You will have to go through the hotel on 9th Street to get in.

  • Yasmeen Hussain

    Yasmeen Hussain


    FYI, how to find this post office: go into the Renaissance hotel and down the escalator. Follow the hallway all the way to the back. (The regular entrance is closed for construction)

  • Justin Edwards

    Justin Edwards


    Needs Better Signage...After walking around the block 1.5 times looking for an entrance, I finally read a comment that said enter through the Renaissance Hotel. I found NO signs indicating where to enter, and once I got in the hotel and went down two escalators, I had to return to the hotel lobby desk to ask where to go. After speaking with the rude receptionist who told me there is a sign on the next floor down the escalator, I proceeded to locate it. I landed on the next floor looked around, and saw no sign. That is, until I walked about 30 feet and saw an obscure handmade sign about 75 yards down a hallway (literally). See photos, hope they help you find it more quickly than I did.

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