U.S. Cellular i Milwaukee

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterU.S. Cellular



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740, North Water Street, 53202, Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 414-291-3140
internet side: www.uscellular.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 43.0397243, Longitude: -87.9090236

kommentar 5

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    Valerie Beresford


    I went to get with my phone. M.J. was extra helpful.

  • Curtis Davis

    Curtis Davis


    Great service

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    Jeremy Miller


    I did not leave the store with a purchase, yet my service was so well tuned that I must reward it. My experience with Eric Willhoite came after waiting about 15 or 20 minutes. When I sat down with Eric, he immediately went into action, putting in work to get my goal accomplished. Along the process, we had great conversation (both being History junkies). Moreover, the process went into troubleshooting, because my current cell provider is a POS. He provided me clear vision of all the viable options from my stance, doing so in an amiable fashion. If I weren't such a cheap, stubborn consumer, I may have bit. All in all, Eric Willhoite was an action-focused, genuine, and sharp employee. Thanks for the help!

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    Andrew Temperly


    Very poor service. Myself and one other person on my plan supposedly had phones on order but never got a call. When i called to check status they had no record of an order ever being placed. The other person on my plan had a similar experience about three weeks later in the same store. I'm happy with the actual cellular service from this company but very displeased with the conduct of the employees at this location.

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    Steven Shafer


    No one at this location seems to know what is going on. My recent visit consisted of me going in the and stating that i got an email saying that my work discount was going to be expiring and that i needed to go into the branch to prove i still worked there to keep the discount. The employee told me, that since my discount is still applied i did not have to do that. Now, my discount is not longer active and i have to make an extra trip to a branch. This could have been done months ago

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