Union Plaza Transit Terminal Parking Garage i El Paso

Forenede StaterUnion Plaza Transit Terminal Parking Garage


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400, West San Antonio Avenue, 79901, El Paso, El Paso County, US USA
kontakter telefon: +1
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Latitude: 31.7562644, Longitude: -106.492499

kommentar 4

  • en

    joe jimerson


    Convenient for parking and city bus travel

  • en

    David M


    Great parking with very friendly attending staff. But be aware that you need to arrive during business hours because sometimes they are off duty during the evening and they block the entrance during those times.

  • en

    Sasha gonzalez


    This parking lot has the rudest most intolerable staff member (the lady who controls the restrooms). Today I went to school at 7 am, then got out went straight to my first job and I got out going to my second job. I got my parking spot and walked down stairs to the restroom so I could change and I was not told that there is a time limit. As I was doing my make up she barged in, saw me and with an attitude said "this is not a place for you to do your make up!" She has no idea what I've been through today, at least I'm not doing drugs and there or doing anything wrong!! I can not tolerate something like this. I went back to the security guard and asked for the rules of the restroom and he politely told me. I do not recommend anyone to use this parking lot.

  • Melissa Carrera-Smith

    Melissa Carrera-Smith


nærmeste Parkering

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