Diversified Parking, Inc. i El Paso

Forenede StaterDiversified Parking, Inc.



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300, East Main Street, 79901, El Paso, El Paso County, US USA
kontakter telefon: +1 915-533-4955
internet side: www.diversifiedparking.com
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Latitude: 31.7608873, Longitude: -106.4869774

kommentar 4

  • en

    Martin Aguirre


    if i could put zero star i would do it staff is very unfriendly they drive your cars fast and scratch your cars all the time at the valet

  • en

    Amy Seañez


    How do I buy a monthly permit?

  • Richard Austin

    Richard Austin


  • en

    Lizeth Dee


    I wish there were more reviews out there when I decided to sign up with this company for parking. I am paying for their J lot which is right across WF bank, and at first it was not bad but since November it has become a nightmare. Where should I start.. I will start with the price 82.00 per month for a non garage parking that is out on the open tight spaces. After comparing prices before signing up most garages will charge $70-80 a month and I quote "garages" meaning your car is protected and you are guaranteed parking everyday. Here you are paying a couple bucks more for no protections and they are not held responsible for any thefts or damage to vehicles. You can do ACH or pay as you go in person, but if you pay as you go be prepared to leave a deposit of 180.00!! My experience on an almost every day basis has been dealing with a lot of homeless and junkies in this parking lot, as well as people constantly stopping me to ask how to pay and they seem to be confused by their machine. I sometimes leave for lunch and when I get back there is no parking I had to pay 25.00/day twice to park elsewhere because my monthly parking had no spaces for me ! I spoke to the main person for this company to suggest reserved parking for monthly customers I explained what had been happening and how I also notice a lot of times the cars parked there do not even have their paid ticket displaying which makes me assume people are parking there and not paying and getting away with it (there is no security and no one guarding parking). He did not apologize at all or reimburse me any portion for the month I had to pay to park elsewhere, instead he suggested that I go up a block and park on the next street -_- first of all I do not feel comfortable with valet parking and second of all if I am paying 80.00/month to park at where it is convenient for me because of walking distance and all the homeless out at night asking for money I should not have to park further up the street. .

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