Unclaimed Freight i Clifton

Forenede StaterUnclaimed Freight



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1030 Route 46 West, Clifton, NJ 07013, США
kontakter telefon: +1 973-594-9545
internet side: www.saveatthefreight.com
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Latitude: 40.8720869, Longitude: -74.1795489

kommentar 5

  • Killa Killem

    Killa Killem


    Like a kid in a candy store . So much here.. I been buying from them for years.. You can find some beautiful items here. I bought 2 living room sets 3 bedroom sets on my visits.t . And I have family saying what.. For my daughter princess beds and purchased throw pillows that matched.. Next I will purchase be a nice rug...

  • A'Riel The Great

    A'Riel The Great


    The sales guy that work on the floor is so funny and helpful!

  • DeAndrea McCubbins

    DeAndrea McCubbins


    VERY poor service, “manager” “assistant manager” whatever she is, does not understand what good customer service is. Going into the store she already looks miserable like she hates her job, and soon as you ask a question over the phone she’s ready to attack. My mother bought my whole bedroom set from here some years back we loved it, amazing deal, great employees. Now that we come back a couple years later, I’m expecting the same service, but whatever happened to this manager/assistant manager/ cashier/ statue thing, she needs to get it sorted out because the way she handles any guest is disgusting!

  • Elizabeth BEARD-JONES

    Elizabeth BEARD-JONES


    I have always shopped here and loved the prices however the 2 managers are horrible had a very bad experience a couple of years back..called corporate however I have not been back so I don't k ow if they handled the situation . After reading the recent reviews doesn't look like it. These ppl are rude and ignorant and the customer service sucks.and it unfortunate because I'm looking for a living room set..

  • en

    Vanessa Reed


    IF I could give ZERO stars I would! The manager is a disgrace! She is disrespectful. My mother is speaking to corporate as I write, crying. She is disabled and this FEMALE spoke to her like she was a thug on the street. I’ve been in customer service for many years and I would never THINK to speak to a customer like that. I asked for her name and SURPRISE! She wouldn’t give it to me! I hope and will make sure I do everything to get her fired. I usually do not like to take it as far as I am, but she needs to lose her job immediately. And this is because they lied and told her she could get her box spring up the stairs and she could not, which they just left on her outside steps and called it a loss. This company is terrible. I will be on BBB next and every other review site. I will make sure everyone knows about this company until she is gone. *UPDATE: I went into the store to get her name, she is not the manager, she is the “assistant” manager and her name is VERONICA!

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