Dollar Tree i Clifton

Forenede StaterDollar Tree



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1006, U.S. 46, 07013, Clifton, Passaic County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 973-249-5040
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.873028, Longitude: -74.178583

kommentar 5

  • en

    Jeffrey Nelson


    The store is very disorganized and there are items all over the foor

  • en

    Laura Troy


    The store is a disorganized mess and very short-staffed. You'll spend more time waiting on line than you will shopping.

  • Jane A

    Jane A


    I prefer this Dollar Tree than others I have been. It is usually well stocked and well organized. Also, the frozen food section has good selections, especially the frozen "small blue berries produce of US" and garlic bread, of course for $1.

  • John DeWitt

    John DeWitt


    Usually have a good stock of items. Parking lot in back. Could be cleaner inside and out. ... but... everything is a dollar

  • Ivelisse Vazquez

    Ivelisse Vazquez


    I was able to find 13 different 'occassion' cards I needed at a great low price. The store was well stocked and pretty neat. The cashiers lines were "cleared" fairly quickly. My cashier was Donna, she is funny. I had a pleasant experience because of her. Very cordial.

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