Toyota of Hackensack w Hackensack

Stany ZjednoczoneToyota of Hackensack



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278, River Street, 07601, Hackensack, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-488-7777
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.8871927, Longitude: -74.0380109

komentarze 5

  • en

    E Crum


    We wanted to compare similar models, but the salesperson only brought the key for one model and did not go back to the office for the other key. When we asked some basic questions, the salesperson was unable to answer. When we asked if someone else would be able to answer the questions we were told "I don't know." (I could go on, but you get the picture.) The salesperson said they would call us with prices and more information that day, but it's been several days and we have not received that call. A sales manager called to ask about our experience and said a different salesperson would call us with information but we haven't received that call yet either.....We found a great dealership in Fair Lawn with a very helpful and knowledgeable salesperson, and bought there instead. It was WELL worth the trip past Hackensack.

  • en

    Kelly De la Cruz


    My mother bought a car yesterday from this dealership and it was a wonderful experience. We had previously gone to another place where they tried scamming us out of more and more money and this place was the complete opposite. Billy helped us and he was wonderful, he did everything he could to give us the discounts we asked for. He never pressured us into running the credit score and he was very patient. We got a wonderful deal on a Rav 4 se hybrid. Don’t forget to ask for Billy !

  • Нариман Карим

    Нариман Карим


    very bad service. they bought a car and regretted it. much that promise and do not. I lose a lot of time for them. promised to install additional services free of charge. but 3 times we had time. I lost 3 weeks. they can not even call and say that they canceled.

  • en

    Christina Martinez


    So far my experience with Toyota in general has been pretty good. The only thing for me is the negotiating takes too long. From the moment I walked in I was upfront on what I could spend. And I when I was ready to walk out then they where able to give me a deal. Which was frustrating Bc it took over two hrs. Not including we had to come back later to finish the paperwork. The service department is good. They have been helpful. I have gone to Toyota Universe for over 4 hrs and this was my first time going to the Hackensack location. In my opinion, I like the Universe (off Rt.46) location better.

  • Angelica AJ

    Angelica AJ


    I went in alone not knowing the process of buying a car too well and figured they would see a young female and try to take advantage of my lack of car buying knowledge but this was NOT the case at all!! Jose Alvarado was my sales representative and thank God he was! He was personable, knowledgeable, patient and not pushy! He knew what I was comfortable paying each month and didnt try to paint a pretty picture with the numbers just to sell me a car. He took his time and went back and forth with his manager, banks, etc. To make sure I had options and was happy! Needless to say I left the same day with a new car I love with no regrets, just complete satisfaction! Thanks again Jose!! :)

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