Sears Auto Center w Hackensack

Stany ZjednoczoneSears Auto Center



🕗 godziny otwarcia

516, Main Street, 07601, Hackensack, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-489-4451
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.894985, Longitude: -74.039353

komentarze 5

  • Francis OFS

    Francis OFS


    Great experience today getting an oil change. Fast, efficient, courteous service. Thank you!

  • Fedaa Jerai

    Fedaa Jerai


    By far the worst service I have ever experienced. Do not purchase your tires from here no matter what promotion they have going on you will regret it till the end of time. I have a warranty on my tires and went because I had a hole in the tire it took 4 hours!!! And then “one of their guys had to go on break” so I took my car and left. Called so I can order a tire since my tires are under warranty... they NEVER pick up the phone so I finally get through with someone he says he’s going to order the tire and call me back... never does I finally get a hold of someone 4 days later (none stop calling) and they told me it was never ordered. Carl then places the order but refuses to do it while I’m on the phone and says he’ll get to it when he can... huh????? Call back 5 hours later he refuses to get in the phone and tells one of his workers to tell me he’ll do it later. I mean is this really happening!! Finally orders it and has the lady call me back because he’s not man enough to. They told me they would call me when it comes in which they didn’t. I asked my father to drop off the car for me and Carl then says I owe $75 when this was never communicated to me through out this month of trying to get a tire. Dispicable people work for sears and I will never purchase my tires from there again. They need to shut this location down and fire Carl the so called manager because he doesn’t deserve to be in a customer service related position. I raised an executive complaint and still haven’t heard back and that was last week. Good job Sears

  • Sherae Hancock

    Sherae Hancock


    I wish I could leave 0 stars because that’s how horrible it was. The employees are rude. I came here with my husband to have our battery changed which is supposed to be only a 20-30 minute service. It was not a busy day we came early in the morning. We were told an hour wait but it took 2 hours. We had our toddler with us and they didn’t even tell us that they finished working on the car. Horrible service! I wish I had seen the reviews before going there. Take your car to another auto shop! We only came here thinking we would save more money than going to Midas where we typically go. After paying for battery and installation Midas would have charged just the same but at least we would have saved ourselves time, and gotten awesome customer service. Never coming here ever again!

  • en

    Barbara Dressel


    2nd trip to get flat tire repaired under new tire warranty & road hazard warranty (BOTH still in effect). 7 (SEVEN!!!!!) hours - 45 minutes in line, another 6 1/2 waiting for person to take tire off car, walk around a few minutes & put tire back on (I watched), saying there is nothing wrong, nothing to do. 2 other people there with same problem got exact same (non)service, exact same story. If Sears is not going to honor warranties, obviously Sears should stop selling the tires, stop selling the road hazard warranty. I asked what your customer service policy was - how many trips without the issue being repaired, before you would replace the tire. I was told you would never replace the tire unless you could find a defect (regardless of the fact that it was going flat consistently=no defect in Sears terms) & that your policy is "We do what we can" (this is an exact quote of the response to my question. Which is just a lie. You do not do what you CAN - since I believe you CAN do something,, but don't. You do what you want, what you are allowed to get away with. Apparently all Sears locations have already closed mentally if not physically. That was the attitude of every employee there. It may have been the Walking Dead set??? Don't bother even trying......

  • en

    Louisa Yam


    I have an appointment today at 11:00am for oil change. I was there on the clock, expecting it will be done in an hrs the most. Guess not the case. As of now 2:30pm. I am still at the waiting room. Indeed not acceptable at all for job that only took 20-30 minutes and end up to over 4hrs wait. We all valued each other’s time and that’s what the appointment is there for. Please respect the way you want to be respected.

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