Touchmark National Bank w Alpharetta

Stany ZjednoczoneTouchmark National Bank



🕗 godziny otwarcia

3651, Old Milton Parkway, 30005, Alpharetta, Fulton County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 770-407-6700
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.0642223, Longitude: -84.2540852

komentarze 4

  • Ankit Patel

    Ankit Patel



  • Liviu Ghimpeteanu

    Liviu Ghimpeteanu


    Government had to buy a small piece of my property and after agreeing to the amount Torchmark bank kept $2500.00 because the felt like it without ever disclosing that to any of the parties . They are rip-off's ! also they told me to be happy with it! Stay away from them !!!!

  • Benny Andrews

    Benny Andrews


    My Commercial Line of Credit ended up being purchased by Touchmark Bank after Colonial bank went out of business in 2008. When my business account was transferred to this bank they initially had good people that were great to work with, but every time I called the bank to service my account the person I previously worked with was no longer there. Through the past ten years I have been assigned several individuals, and most recently when I was told the person previously in charge of my account was no longer there, the next man up informed me my account had been closed. The last conversation I had with the bank was renewing my Line of Credit and at that point I was told the renewal was complete and we were good to go. Now that I need my Line of Credit it has been closed without warning or notice and nobody at the bank bothered to contact me to tell me. Furthermore, nobody offered an apology. Apparently the customer is not very important at this bank.

  • Anna Huthmaker

    Anna Huthmaker


    Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!!! I have five accounts here and am a huge fan!! The bank itself is fine, but it is the women that work in this branch that make this a particularly special place. As a female who owns her own business, I love how special they treat me, especially Linda, the manager!!! I would recommend anyone and everyone to bank here!! :)

najbliższy Bank

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