Тимберлин Три Сервис w West Nyack

Stany ZjednoczoneТимберлин Три Сервис



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172, West Nyack Road, 10994, West Nyack, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-206-0445
strona internetowej: timberlinetreeservices.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.097587, Longitude: -73.996557

komentarze 5

  • en

    Elizabeth Chapman


    Timberline.took down a huge Silver Maple of mine that could not be reached by bucket truck. Instead a climber surgically removed limbs over a period of hours to get the tree down completely and safely. It was amazing to watch -- he was precise and careful. It went perfectly. They removed the huge limbs and trunk by truck and repaired the lawn sufficiently. They were professional from start to finish!

  • en

    Samantha Osowski


    Incredible service. They provided a very reasonable estimate the same day I called; and got to work the next day. Their crew was friendly, responsive, fast and efficient; taking care to not damage the trees near the ones being removed. Lastly, the cleanup work afterward (which was a lot for 7 large trees and ground stumps) was impeccable! Definitely recommend.

  • en

    R Fellows


    Ben and Steve are the gold standard when it comes to quality service. Devastation on my 4 acre home was transformed back to paradise with the help of a hard working, professional and competent crew. We have high standards but Timbetline exceeded them. A job well done and at a reasonable cost. There is no better choice.

  • Holly Robin Clark

    Holly Robin Clark


    This company is amazing from the people who book your free estimate to the ones who come out to see the job through. I've never been so happy with a company across the board. They are professional, knowledgeable and they don't over do it. They could have easily picked out 15-20 trees and we wouldn't have known any different but Ben came in and walked our entire acre property and told me exactly what needed to come down and why. The guys who came to actually take the trees down were extremely well mannered, professional, and even cut us some stumps for our firepit!!!! They also cleaned our entire property after they were done and didn't leave any sign of them being there! Also the biggest thing for most people this company gives you soooooo much for the price it's beyond reasonable I can't believe how much I got for how much they charged! Reasonable, professional and goes above and beyond the job. Highly recommend!!!

  • en



    Needed some firewood today because power is out. They didn't have any seasoned wood but told me to take whatever I needed at no charge from their own stock they were using for their needs. I was pleasantly surprised and thankful at their generosity. If you need any tree work done don't hesitate to go there.

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