Floor Master w Bardonia

Stany ZjednoczoneFloor Master



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50, Barry Lane, 10954, Bardonia, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-623-6264
strona internetowej: thefloormaster.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.107759, Longitude: -73.993646

komentarze 5

  • en



    John Settle "the floor master" is unbelievably thorough and such a craftsman. He does the best most efficient work of anyone out there. If you are looking for the highest quality job call John.

  • A A

    A A


    Uniform Color. Uniform Sheen. Repairs Completed. House Clean. Mid-Range Price. Completed on Time. It's everything hardwood floors are supposed to be. I'm very pleased I found John of Floor Master. Read on for a detailed review: I found John of Floor Master during my real estate search. We looked at a lot of homes, mostly in Rockland, and the surrounding Counties. I kept coming across his bright yellow lawn signs that said "Floor Master", where John and his crew were refinishing or repairing the hardwood floors at that particular house. With nearly no online presence (at the time), I was able to see firsthand how beautiful his work was, sometimes seeing floors progress in stages, if I visited a house more than once. When we finally purchased a newly - built Colonial, I knew that one of the first companies I was going to call was Floor Master. John and his crew (Bolivar, and Luis) did a wonderful job turning my 1990's orange floors that seriously dated our house, into a beautiful, dark - walnut stained masterpiece, and statement getter. I'm thrilled I took the plunge, and invested the time and money to take on this project. I'm amazed everyday I wake up at what a difference beautiful floors can make in a home. DETAILS: John's workers Bolivar and Luis sanded our red oak floors, and stair railing several times with a truly dustless sanding system, and applied a dozen stains for us to choose from. We chose a Dark Walnut Oil Stain, 3 coats, and 1 clear Satin Finish. (I wish I opted for High Gloss, as Satin seems "waxy". On the other hand, Satin is fresh, and modern.) His crew came when they said they would, locked up afterward, and didn't break or steal anything. John personally checked in on the project regularly, and answered concerns quickly. It took 3 weeks, and cost $8K. A year later, with all the kids and pets moved in and living at ground level, the floors look great. One pet peeve I wish I'd know about, touch up paint from 1/8" - 1/4" on trim (and occasionally up the wall), will be necessary.

  • en

    Gary Feinstein


    Fast service...extremely happy with the outcome. My hardwood floors were in really rough shape. After Floor Master was finished, they looked brand new!

  • Vicky T

    Vicky T


    I've been working with John the Floor Master for years on several projects and I am never disappointed! Floor Master always exceeds my expectations - always reliable & a quality job done, not to mention trustworthy. If you are looking for quality work and someone you can trust in your home, I highly recommend John and his team at The Floor Master.

  • en

    Louis Klass


    Floor Master did a amazing job on my 60 year old , never refinished wood floors. They sanded and stained and applied 3 coats of finish. A few days later the floors were Beautiful. Floor master is the Best I have seen . On-Time, within budget and ultimate results!

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