Thrifty Car Rental i Boston

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterThrifty Car Rental


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Logan Airport Terminal East, 02128, Boston, Suffolk County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 800-334-1705
internet side:
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Latitude: 42.3656132, Longitude: -71.0095602

kommentar 5

  • en

    Victoria Henecka


    Unbelievably bad customer service. Had to take a shuttle from the closets terminal which took forever and then wait in line for more than 45 minutes as thrifty merges it night desk with dollar. They had two staff in and it was extremely slow. Would deserve no star!

  • ben chordekar

    ben chordekar


    Stay away from this company and from tjis location ! Scammers! I lost my $$ but maybe i can save to the next costomers! I would gove 0 if i can ! Of course i am going to file at boston Bussnies bureau to check this scammers

  • Carter Hubert

    Carter Hubert


    Waited over 20 mins for a bus, when the generic airport shuttle busses came on time. Will never use this service again.

  • Lauren Brucato

    Lauren Brucato


    Would give 0 stars if possible. First they didn’t tell us anything for an hour and we were told to just “wait as they look for the car”. No updates and then we were told to wait for the manager who took 45m to get there. Then we find out they’ve misplaced the key completely and can’t find the car. It is 3:3am and we’ve been here since 2. Absolutely horrible.

  • en

    Joanne R


    We had a great experience with Thrifty. After a hectic flight to Boston we were relieved to have our vehicle waiting for us. We received exceptional, warm welcoming, friendly service from Rose. Our vehicle was ready and we were off in a timely manner. Our family will definitely use Thrifty again for our next car rental service.

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