The Standard, Downtown LA i Los Angeles

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterThe Standard, Downtown LA


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550, South Flower Street, 90071, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, US Stany Zjednoczone
kontakter telefon: +1 213-892-8080
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.0502071, Longitude: -118.2569902

kommentar 5

  • en

    Alesha P


    I love the view from the top of the building and while socializing with a mixture of people of different ages I also got to view a movie, sit by the pool, sit with friends in the round beds and visit the garden area to relax.. you cant go wrong.. down side is there is no dance floor..☺

  • Gus Galarnyk

    Gus Galarnyk


    Stylish, friendly, sweet atmosphere, and good drinks. Great rooftop bar, plays movies across the street, solid music, great owner and host. Would highly recommend!

  • en

    Paul Bingham


    Rating for day time dining only. Attentive, unobstrusive service after quick seating. Dishes prepared as ordered, appropriately plated and served at the right temperature. Did not feel rushed but never kept waiting either, which as it should be. Portion sizes are moderate.

  • chris leiby

    chris leiby


    80's retro purposely and done right. Extremely minimalist in a good way. Only reason not 5 stars is the stains on curtains and lamps but the bed and shower we're clean. View was great (pictured) and so was the front desk. Would go again.

  • Matthias Schwab

    Matthias Schwab


    I loved the swim at 7:30 am on the roof top when we had the pool for ourselves. The rooms were fun -- I love the bathrooms with its "transparency". Fun. The restaurant in the hotel was okay for breakfast. The staff was VERY friendly. Overall, not as quirky as The Standard in NYC, but we loved it.

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