Hilton Checkers Los Angeles i Los Angeles

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Forenede StaterHilton Checkers Los Angeles



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535, South Grand Avenue, 90071, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, US Stany Zjednoczone
kontakter telefon: +1 213-624-0000
internet side: www3.hilton.com
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Latitude: 34.0496255, Longitude: -118.2549692

kommentar 5

  • en

    Francisco Villa


    The location is great. The people are so nice and accommodating. The rooms are comfortable. The bed is a bit firm but I prefer that. The TV does not have a channel guide but Showtime is included. Overall, would definitely recommend. Can't beat the price.

  • en

    Wjw Wjw


    I had a great experience - nice, well kept hotel. Staff are friendly and helpful as well. Doormen are very friendly and welcoming. The bed was also very comfortable. I wish the hotel had a pool, but thats alright. I would definitely stay at this location again.

  • Jessica Brown

    Jessica Brown


    I loved the Hotel! It was very nice and warm as in welcoming on the inside. The Doorpeople were always friendly and always opened the door for you (a welcomed surprise). Nice spacious room (double queen size). I wish the room had more lighting options besides two lamps and a very dim hall light but the windows made up for that except at night. It was a boutique hotel so some things are not standard like having a shuttle to and from the airport (which would've made life so much easier during my stay). Nothing too drastic to complain about.

  • Jeffery Pinkston

    Jeffery Pinkston


    Checkers has a great location near the library facing a street that, at least during the weekend, was not too busy. Checkers has old world charm without being too big or pretentious. We really liked the large bathroom, and the beds and pillows are very comfortable. (You might need to set an alarm to keep from oversleeping!) There's a small jacuzzi on the roof with great views. I'd strongly recommend this place for anyone that needs a little more quiet than a big hotel.

  • Be A Diamond

    Be A Diamond


    I had to find a hotel last minute and this one was affordable but even better, I got such a great deal for the money I paid. It had a view, even though it's an older hotel so it wasn't as tall as others, it was a great rooftop. Room was clean and comfortable. The staff was super nice also and friendly. I've experienced a crappy staff at the previous hotel the night before at a more expensive location. This one was just great!

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