The Royal Pagoda Motel i Los Angeles

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterThe Royal Pagoda Motel


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995, North Broadway, 90012, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, US USA
kontakter telefon: +1 323-223-3381
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Latitude: 34.066712, Longitude: -118.236335

kommentar 5

  • Melanie Fregozo Ramirez

    Melanie Fregozo Ramirez


    Nice people great service just wish the parking was bigger and the beds could use an update you can feel some of the springs i have stayed here enough times in different rooms to know that

  • Luyu Zheng

    Luyu Zheng


    Parking is free but can fill up if it's busy. Location is convenient. Rooms felt a little old on the inside.




    Awesome hotel only downfall is the window coverings this place needs shutters! Other than that or I'd love to give them 5 stars

  • fr

    Alexandre Meunier


    Très propre, le personnel très gentil et courtois! Le prix est bon car il y a plusieurs possibilités à proximité ! Les chambres sont pas très grande mais pour le prix et l'endroit où c'est situé c'est parfait!!

  • Comando Metro

    Comando Metro


    When traveling to Los Angeles on a regular basis over a five year time span, I most commonly stayed at the Royal Pagoda. I just really appreciated the cleanliness, the unique rooms, the atmosphere including the immediate surrounding area and especially I always trusted the staff. There are great restaurants a stone's throw, fun night clubs - really this exact location and neighborhood in my book is the best part of DTLA. I miss it. I seemed to regularly meet very likable and interesting people from around the world also staying there.

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