The Melting Pot w Minneapolis

Stany ZjednoczoneThe Melting Pot



🕗 godziny otwarcia

80, South 9th Street, 55402, Minneapolis, Hennepin County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 612-338-9900
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 44.9746041, Longitude: -93.2726866

komentarze 5

  • Nicole Bear

    Nicole Bear


    The artichoke cheese fondue was really good. The beer cheese one was a bit to beer tasting for me. It’s weird to me to have to cook your own dinner at a place like this, but it works. The food was good.

  • T Folls

    T Folls


    I cannot say enough great things about this restaurant. For my girlfriend's graduation I decided to take her to The Melting Pot and she absolutely loved it. The food was delicious and the cheese was gooey. As well as our waitor was very knowledgeable. He had answers to all of our questions and no problem accommodating our specific needs. You go for the food and the experience and hands down it's the best all-in-one package you'd get!

  • en

    Logan Martinez


    Went for a family dinner hadn't been here before but I was a nice change of pace. The staff was supper nice and informative about the whole process. So don't worry about that if your new to the process. Come hungry and with a great crowd.

  • en

    Patrick Testerman


    We took my daughter here for her birthday and it is a very unique dining experience, but is also very expensive for what you get. The cheese Fondue is incredible, and the dessert fondue was quite good as well. We found the main course to be just average, though. The total cost with gratuity was almost $70 per person - Google needs to add a few $$$’s to their summary. For the money you can do a whole lot better.

  • Tara Bayles

    Tara Bayles


    We go in several times a year for birthdays and celebrations. We have consistently had terrible experiences with waiters when we dine in the restaurant, however, the male bartender with the longer brown hair always makes up for it. He provides great service, always remembers us (or pretends to, at least!) and makes great recommendations. We choose to only go in for dessert in the bar area now.

najbliższy Bar

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