The Honey Pot i Tampa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterThe Honey Pot



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1507, East 7th Avenue, 33605, Tampa, Hillsborough County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 813-247-4663
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Latitude: 27.960073, Longitude: -82.442532

kommentar 5

  • Abby Hawk

    Abby Hawk


    I absolutely LOVED this club! I went with my best friend on 4/28/18, and we arrived at 10 PM, the line was already forming around the building. It was my first time going to a lesbian club, so I didn't know what I was getting myself into! Lesbian Night "Tease Saturdays" was AMAZING! I will be, of course returning soon!

  • Shayna Lawrence

    Shayna Lawrence


    Saturday nights are the best. Great drink specials before 11. No drama. No fighting. Fairly mixed crowd

  • en

    Andrew St Pierre


    One of those classic night clubs you always wanted to be in...SO GET OVER HERE.

  • Maraki b

    Maraki b


    I went to Honeypot last Saturday on "lesbian night" to finish off date night with my girlfriend in a comfortable gay friendly environment. Our evening turned really terrible when my girlfriend was harassed by a group of men hanging out by the bathroom. They called her and another good friend of ours dykes and variety of other names while she attempted to have a conversation with her. As she continued to attempt to have her conversation, she was then shoved multiple times by one of the men. As she attempted to get him off of her, it turns out one of the bouncers there was friends with this group of men and was PARTICIPATING in the hate talk to my girlfriend and our friend. When she tried to get the man off of her, the "bouncer" stepped in, put her in a headlock and DRAGGED her out of the bar by her neck in one arm, and her face covered with the other. She was literally dragged out by her head. There was no warning to leave, no "get out now", he just wrapped his hands around her and assaulted her. We went to honeypot to dance in a judge free environment, and yet one of it's employees sits with his friends and as they all make homophobic slurs to it's patrons and then kicks them out when they have a problem with it. I have been a loyal Honey Pot patron for 10 years now, and unless there is some sort of change, I can guarantee I will never be back there again. I can also guarantee that this issue will get much worse if they don't do something about it.

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    carly friedman


    absolutely terrible venue. they are thieves. was there for 10 minutes before i got set up and robbed. do not support this business and save your money. plenty of other good clubs in Ybor aside from this disgusting thievery pot.

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