Tabanero Cigars i Tampa

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Forenede StaterTabanero Cigars



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1601, East 7th Avenue, 33605, Tampa, Hillsborough County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 813-402-6316
internet side:
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Latitude: 27.9601487, Longitude: -82.4415907

kommentar 5

  • Jerry Lynch

    Jerry Lynch


    I made my fist visit to Tampa a few months ago and had an incredible experience. The staff at Tabanero was incredible and made me feel at home. I bought a few Cigars for myself and friends and could not wait to get more! I just purchased a box of 20 and looking forward to coming back for a visit in the fall!

  • en

    Kawika Kali


    Great place where the cigars are being made right there. Workers are friendly, knowledgeable and very helpful to someone who has never smoked a cigar. Great coffee also

  • en

    Richard Askin


    One of the best cigar shops around. Some of the best cigars around. Good prices and great tasting cigars. A wonderful group of friendly people to help you chose the cigar for you.

  • Scott McKinney

    Scott McKinney


    First hand rolled premium cigar I ever had - purchased here. The gentleman who served me gave two recommendations to fit my request (intro cigars, medium price), at the end of the second one I realized I really was tasting the magical, all natural taste of properly cured tobacco. Just wonderful - thanks for introducing me to the wonderful world of handmade, premium cigars, Tabanero!

  • Rob M

    Rob M


    This place is awesome. Cigar rolling on premises, right in the front window. Cool decor and friendly, knowledgeable staff. They encourage you to come in and take pictures. Not only do they hand roll great cigars but they also have a small coffee stand in the back. The Cuban coffee is fantastic! I was the first to venture over from my group. Soon after that was everyone's morning coffee stop.

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