Таун Шоп i Poughkeepsie

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2585, South Road, 12601, Poughkeepsie, Dutchess County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 845-471-1580
internet side: www.townshopbridal.com
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Latitude: 41.6652181, Longitude: -73.9323233

kommentar 5

  • en

    Heather T


    I found the absolute perfect dress for my wedding day at the Town Shop! The staff made me feel very well taken care of and the alterations were perfect - my dress fit like a glove!. I was very comfortable all day and even dancing into the night. I received endless compliments about my dress... Thanks Town Shop!

  • en

    Kate Littin


    I recently visited the Town Shop to purchase a gown for a very important black tie gala event. I have been a a customer of the Town Shop for years, and even though I moved out of the area, I always come back for special events. I got an incredible gown - and made significant personal changes. Rosie, the seamstress, was incredible. The dress is a work of art. This store is a gem! The service is beyond and the skills of the seamstresses are unparalleled. For anyone who knows the industry, the Town Shop has been and continues to be a very special place. THANK YOU, TOWN SHOP! XOXO

  • en

    Michelle Glover


    I have never left feedback for a local business before, but in this case I feel it is essential. I have been a resident of Poughkeepsie my entire life (I am 36 years old). I have shopped at the shop for years (homecoming, proms, my wedding- did not purchase my gown from them... bridesmaid in various weddings) and I wonder why I continue to go back... Well, after today NEVER again! I went to possibly purchase a dress for a wedding and it felt like the scene out of the movie "pretty Woman" where I had thousands to spend and was completely shunned. I was asked "when is the wedding?" And told don't bother putting in an order bc you don't have enough time- whatever you find that fits you is all we can do (the wedding is 3 months away). Not offered help (a Thursday afternoon and the store was empty). Felt like the elderly ladies were just looking down their nose at me the whole 15 minutes I spent there. The few dresses I thought about trying on had snags and threads hanging- I didn't see anything of quality for me. I am a professional adult woman with money to spend and will not do it in a place when treated so badly. I haven't even put enough detail into this post bc I am so upset. I would steer clear of this place and after giving business for 20 years, I will not make that mistake again! It seems to get worse Everytime I have gone.

  • en

    S T


    I adore the Townshop! The shop has a charming boutique atmosphere with the best selection of the best styles. Alterations are done in house. It is a rare and special place. Gorgeous quality.

  • Tama Bell

    Tama Bell


    Ordered a HUGE size just to charge ridiculously EXPENSIVE alterations. Unreal that you would order a bridesmaid dress 2 sizes too big and "alter" the dress down to the correct size for 100 dollars. Unfair. Owner initially told us just as the website says that all alterations are included if we bought Bridal Dress and all Bridesmaids dresses there-but changed his mind when it came time to deliver the dresses. Owner complains he won't be able to "stay in business"-well, you just lost our business after all the dresses we've bought there for proms and parties, never ever again!

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