Modell's Sporting Goods i Poughkeepsie

Forenede StaterModell's Sporting Goods



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2600, South Road, 12601, Poughkeepsie, Dutchess County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 845-473-1700
internet side:
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Latitude: 41.6677662, Longitude: -73.9281645

kommentar 5

  • en

    Ricardo Jones


    Prices and garments are very reasonable, and the staff is courteous

  • en

    22 sagve gang


    Reasonably priced and a great variety of sport clothing

  • Ali M.

    Ali M.


    Prices much more reasonable than dicks! Staff is helpful. Store is clean.

  • Robert F. Ventura

    Robert F. Ventura


    This is the place to go for your team shirts and sports wearable's. The people are great and all LAW ENFORCEMENT, FIREMAN, SERVICEMEN always get 10% off. Retired or active just show your ID. They discount things often. I hope they last this online craze, they're a very good store.

  • en

    Jennifer Marsh


    Ridiculous. Looking for my size and the first article of clothing slipped off the rack and as I bent down to get it I was berated by an employee about how rude it was to drop things and that it was her job to clean up after awful customers. I stuttered and tried to apologize to her and she interrupted me and asked me to pick up clothing from a rack I had never been at and again I apologized and tried to explain that I didn't knock that over and that I accidently dropped this but she THEN told me to pick it up or leave....feeling humiliated I left. Never getting my business again.

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