T-Mobile w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneT-Mobile



🕗 godziny otwarcia

86, East 167th Street, 10452, Bronx County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-537-5350
strona internetowej: www.t-mobile.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8350577, Longitude: -73.9198871

komentarze 5

  • en

    Neville White


    Great store staff is great and Ms.J is awesome and beautiful

  • en

    Rosemary Carty


    By far the worse customer service. I called and got hung up on. Called again and they did not answer called a third time and was told that the manager was not there. Mind you I didn’t ask for a manager. When they picked up they do not advise that it was T-Mobile. When I go into the store I was told to stand by the T that’s where the line began. The agent Leslie tells me that she is going to help me but was not finished with the customer in front of her. I told her but you have a customer and she says oh no I’m done. The customer says I want this case and now Leslie has to finish with that customer. But I thought she said she was finished. Well when she finished and helps me it was a mess. I would ask her questions and she would tell me to wait, with body language as if she did not want to hear what I was saying. I told her about her customer service skills and again the body language. Than she tells me she is charging me one amount and charged a different one. When I asked why again the body language and she says well they changed you taxes. Well I think I can see that but you didn’t tell me that. Will not be going back to this store

  • Miguel A De Jesus

    Miguel A De Jesus


    Called to ask if they had a product in stock and they hang up lol

  • en

    Abdul Bello


    Don't waste your time going there. Trust me. I was willing to get past their horrible attitude from the few times I've been there but this shouldn't be allowed to go on. If you're looking for good service stay far away from these incompetent fools.

  • Nadia Assani

    Nadia Assani


    Very terrible. If it's possible to give no star, I would. I walked in and no one greeted me or paid me any attention. Comparing to the T-mobile store in my neighborhood. Once I walk through the door, even when they are extremely busy, they greet you or at least give you some type of acknowledgment to let you know that they are aware of you presence and that someone will be with you shortly. Despite that, I waited and waited, once one of them was done with a customer, another customer walked in and they tended to her. The T-Mobile employee who tended to her looked at me dead in the eye and ignored me. If I didn't know any better, I would blame it to being racist because once he was done with her, another Hispanic customer walked through the door and he tended to her as well. That's when I finally decided to speak up and someone else who just finished with another customer attended to. It wrong to be treated this way and I wouldn't say that the employee who ignored me spoke no English because he did. And the one who finally attended to me after I spoke up and practically not welcoming and very nonchalant.

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